
Our New Exclusive Subscription Service

Support the Christian art industry in a new way.

Finding new avenues to spread the gospel.

What Is Evigilo Arts?

It's a way to fund Evigilo Entertainment projects that are increasingly difficult to achieve financially.

The Evigilo Arts Subscription Exclusives—EASE, for short

A Ministry, Technically

Evigilo Entertainment is technically a Christian ministry. Although that wasn't our first intention, we focused so heavily on Kingdom work that the Lord shifted our path (and our owner's life).

Our objective is to assist the Lord in saving souls that are stuck in varying forms of darkness. How?

"Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness but rather expose them."—Ephesians 5:11

Although while we're not a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, you do not need to be this type of industry to do Kingdom work.

Subscribing = Contributing

Your subscription helps us purchase & maintain expensive modern equipment/tech + industry standard art programs to keep going. Not only this, but you're funding significant projects such as pending episodes of The Unseen War (show).

The driving force behind Evigilo Entertainment's funding is by Holy Spirit led people who want to support our Biblically-in-context work.

What's In The Subscription?

You will have access to the full benefits of The Evigilo Report (show, exclusive articles + more), The Unseen War (show + all upcoming episodes) + Exclusive First Looks at upcoming project(s); storylines, concept art imagery, production-ready art, in-process/production art videos/renders & exclusive decision making power within future polls.

By becoming a supporter now, you become an early supporter.

We're likely to add more perks, too.

What Should We Expect?

We focus on non-traditional, Biblically-backed Christian Art, symbolism and powerful imagery that shares an important message; Christ is King, Savior and Lord.

Usually, we focus on the hyper-realistic side of art but we may expand in the future.

The arts can take time, especially when it comes to creating virtual worlds because teams often create from scratch + we're currently a one-man show.

Normally one begins with a storyline, then concept art to start the visual artistic process. You can expect to see visual imagery.

Upcoming Projects?

We have the passion & desire to outreach to the young adults in the video game industry. The Multi-Billion Dollar video game industry is run by large corporations that seek to prey on children and young adults who have not heard the Gospel because they're too busy playing games.

Our plan is to create Triple 'AAA'—Industry Standard video game that will blend into the gaming community, but will be packed with Biblical and spiritual truths, while also giving the player the feel that they're not playing a boring game.

Our game will deal with heavy issues such as human/sex trafficking, ritual sacrifice, occult and cult activity, the demonic, government corruption, guns/violence, drugs, suicide, most importantly Faith in Jesus and more. We want to shine a light on the darkness and expose it in a clear white and black (good and evil) manner to a generation that hasn't paid attention to these ongoing, real-life events.

These issues will be dealt with in such a way that we'll be incredibly careful not to cross a line in visual, audible and playable scenarios but also realistic to the degree that it's necessary to get the message across.

The Video Game Industry is virtually untouched by the Gospel, unless when these big corporations use Christian symbolism and faith in mockery. We want to introduce Jesus to the people who are interested in the real and gritty issues and catch them off guard by biblical truths, explained in a manner that they can understand and perhaps, empathize in.

This game will not be for children, but Jesus is for everyone.

Never played a game? Don't knock the idea.

Video games offer us a unique chance to walk in others' shoes, virtually experiencing real-world challenges and triumphs that inspire empathy, courage, and understanding.

Through engaging storylines and interactive choices, video games let us confront real-world issues in a safe space, sparking reflection and deepening our awareness in ways that stick with us.

Video games allow us to virtually live out inspiring stories, fostering resilience, empathy, and hope as we navigate real-life themes of perseverance and overcoming the odds.

In video games, we become active participants in journeys that echo real-life challenges, learning to face adversity, embrace kindness, and seek solutions that can inspire us beyond the screen.

Now imagine all of the above, but adding Christ into the mix.
